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Indonesia Culture

HISTORY OF CULTURE | INDONESIA CULTURE | Indonesian culture is the entire national culture, local culture, and cultures of foreign origin that has existed in Indonesia before Indonesia became independent in 1945.

National Culture

The national culture is a culture that is recognized as a national identity. The definition of national culture according to TAP MPR No.II 1998, namely: "The national culture based on Pancasila is the embodiment of creativity, work and intention of Indonesia and is an overall effort to develop Indonesia's human dignity as a nation, and are directed to provide insight and significance in national development in all areas of national life. Thus the National Development is building a civilized ". (Ministry of Education and Culture, Existence, Meaning and Peak-Peak Old Culture and Indigenous Community Pendukukungnya, Semarang: P & K, 199).

The national culture in view of Ki Hajar Dewantara is "the peaks of the regional culture". Quote this statement refers to understand the unity of the more established, so that more and more perceived than ketunggalikaan diversity. His form a unitary state, the national economy, national laws, as well as the national language.

Definition given by Koentjaraningrat can be seen from peryataannya: "a distinctive and quality of any ethnic origin, the origin could identify themselves and create a sense of pride, that the national culture".

The statement refers to the tops of the regional culture and ethnic culture that can cause a sense of pride for Indonesia if it appears to represent a common identity. (Nunus Supriadi, "Local Culture and National Culture").

The statements contained in the Guidelines of State Policy is a translation of the 1945 Constitution Article 32. Today the cultural figures of Indonesia are questioning the existence of regional cultures and national cultures associated the abolition of the three sentence explanation to section 32 and the emergence of a new paragraph. They questioned the possibility of schism by the culture of the region if restrictions on the national culture is not explained clearly.

Before the amendment, the 1945 uses two terms to identify the regional culture and national culture.

National culture, is the old cultures and contained as a genuine peaks in the regions throughout Indonesia, while the national culture itself is understood as a cultural nation that already are in a position that has meaning for the entire nation of Indonesia.

Within there are elements of a unifying national culture of Indonesia Banga who was conscious and had a late spread nationally. In it there are elements of national culture and foreign cultural elements, and elements of the new creation or invention of national results.

Regional Culture Being In Indonesia

Regional culture is reflected in various aspects of community life in all regions in Indonesia. Each region have the characteristic of different cultures in the form of traditional house, dance, song, Music, Musical Instruments, Drawing, Sculpture, Clothing, Sounds, Literature / writing, and Food.

Typical Modern Culture Indonesia

Dangdut music: Elvie Sukaesih, Rhoma Irama; Film Indonesia: "Leaves on Top Pillow" (1998) which was awarded Best Film at the "Asia Pacific Film Festival" in Taipei; and Literature: New Poet. (By: Raymond N. FRS - Of, various sources), -

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