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HISTORY OF CULTURE | INDONESIA KINGDOM IS NOT YOU KNOW | Indonesia is full of diverse arts, culture, and tourism as well as providing natural beauty, and to date there are still some things that in the case sustainability. Manypeople who do not really know about it, if you know the oldest kingdoms in Indonesia? only Kutai kingdom, Sriwijaya, Mataram and Majapahit Kingdom. there are other kingdoms unknown. these kingdoms are:

Kingdom of Sunda (669-1579 AD) 

Kingdom of Sunda (669-1579 AD), according to the script Wangsakerta is a stand-replacing the royal kingdom Tarumanagara. Sunda kingdom was founded by Tarusbawa in Sunda Caka 591 (669 M). According to historical primary sources from the 16th century, this kingdom is a kingdom which covers an area that is now the province of Banten, Jakarta, West Java Province, and the western part of Central Java Province. 

Based on the primary codex Bujangga Manik (which tells the journey Bujangga Manik, a Hindu priest who visited the Sunda sacred places of Hinduism in Java and Bali in the early 16th century), which is currently stored at Boedlian Library, Oxford University, UK since 1627), limits the Kingdom of Sunda on the east is Ci pamali ("River pamali", now referred to as Kali Brebes) and Ci Serayu (which is currently called Kali Serayu) in Central Java province. 

Royal Kanjuruhan (6th century AD)

Patterned Kanjuruhan is a Hindu kingdom in East Java, whose center is near the city of Malang now. Kanjuruhan alleged to have been established in the 6th century BCE (contemporary with the Kingdom Taruma still around Bekasi and Bogor now). Written evidence of this kingdom is the inscription Dinoyo. Famous king is Gajayana. Other relics are the temple and the temple Wurung Clown. 

Kingdom of Kalinga (6th century AD) 
Kalinga is a patterned Hindu kingdom in Central Java, the center is located in Jepara regency now. Kalinga has existed in the 6th century AD, and their existence is known from Chinese sources. The kingdom was once ruled by Queen Shima, who is known to have rules that whoever stole, would cut off his hand. 

Putri Maharani Shima, Parvati, married with a son named crown Galuh Mandiminyak kingdom, which later became the second king of the Kingdom Galuh. Maharani Shima has a grandson named Sanaha who married the third king of the Kingdom Galuh, namely Brantasenawa. Bratasenawa Sanaha and have a kid named Sanjaya who later became king of the Kingdom of Sunda and Galuh kingdom (723-732 AD). 

After Maharani Shima died in the year 732 AD, Sanjaya replaces grandchildren and become king of the kingdom of Kalinga which was then called the Earth's North Mataram, and later founded the dynasty / Sanjaya Dynasty in Ancient Mataram Kingdom. Power in West Java from Tejakencana handed to his son, namely Tamperan Barmawijaya aka Rakeyan Panaraban. Then the daughter of King Sanjaya Sudiwara Dewasinga married, South King Kalinga or Sambara Earth, and has a son of Rakai Panangkaran. 

Kingdom of Barus (6th century AD) 
Barus is a continuation of the royal sultanate in Barus after the introduction of Islam to Barus. Islam entered the Barus in the early advent of Islam in the Arabian peninsula. In an archaeological excavation, discovered the Tomb of Mahligai a historic graveyard Rukunuddin Sheikh and Sheikh Usuluddin which marks the introduction of Islam into Indonesia in the first century AD in District VII Barus.

These graves length about 7 feet decorated by several tombstones typical and unique to that read in Arabic, Tarikh 48 Cemetery H and Religious Attraction Mahligai is for Muslims of the World that lies 75 km from Sibolga and 359 km from Medan City .

The first king who became Muslim is King Kadir, who then passed on to their children who then hold the Sultan. Kadir is the successor kingdom of the king who had a hereditary rule and is a descendant of King Barus Pardosi Alang, once established the first center in Toddang Kerajaaannya (tundang), Tukka, Pakkat - also known as the country Rambe, who migrated from Balige from clan Pohan. 

In the 6th century, has established a new authority established by the Sultan of Barus Ibrahimsyah coming from Tarusan, Minang, Batak descent from a collection of clans Pasaribu, which eventually form Dulisme leadership in Barus. 

Tarumanegara kingdom (358-669 AD) 
Tarumanagara or Taruma kingdom is a kingdom that once ruled the western island of Java in the 4th century until the 7th century AD Taruma is one of the oldest kingdoms in the archipelago that leave the historical record. In the historical records and relics of royal artifacts around the site, it appears that at that time the kingdom is the kingdom Taruma wing Hindu Vishnu.

When you view the historical records or inscriptions that exist, there is no definitive explanation or notes about who the first time establish the kingdom of Tarumanegara. The king who had dominion and very well known in the historical record is Purnawarman. In 417 he ordered the excavation and Candrabaga Gomati River (Kali Bekasi) along the 6112 spear (about 11 miles). Excavation is completed, the prabu hold salvation by menyedekahkan 1000 cows to the Brahmins.

Evidence of the existence of the Kingdom Taruma known with seven stone inscriptions were found. Four in Bogor, one in Jakarta and one in Lebak Banten. From the inscriptions it is known that the kingdom led by Rajadirajaguru Jayasingawarman in the year 358 AD and his rule until the year 382 AD Tomb Rajadirajaguru Jayasingawarman around the river Gomati (Bekasi area). Tarumanegara kingdom is a continuation of the Kingdom Salakanagara. 

Martadipura Kutai kingdom (350-400 AD) 

Kutai Martadipura is patterned Hindu kingdom in the archipelago that has the oldest historical evidence. The kingdom is located in Muara Kaman, East Kalimantan, precisely in the Mahakam river upstream. Kutai name is taken. Kutai name given by experts to take from place names found inscriptions indicating the existence of the kingdom. There are no inscriptions that clearly mentions the name of this kingdom, and indeed very little information can be obtained. 

Sekala Brak Kingdom (3rd century AD)

Brak scale (Read: Bekhak scale) is characterized by a Hindu kingdom and known as a Hindu kingdom Brak scale after the arrival of the Four Umpu Pagaruyung who spread the religion of Islam and then turned into Kepaksian scale Brak, located at the foot of Mount Pesagi (the highest mountain in Lampung) which became the forerunner of Lampung ethnic tribes today. 

Old Malay kingdom of Jambi (second century AD) 
Dharmasraya is the name of the capital of a Malay kingdom in Sumatra, this name appears along with the weakening of the Srivijaya empire after the attack Coladewa Rajendra Chola king from Coromandel in 1025.

In the manuscript entitled Chu-fan-chi Chau Ju-kua's work in 1225 stated that the country of San-fo-TSI has 15 subordinate regions, namely Che-lan (Cambodia), Kia-lo-hi (Grahi, Ch'ai-yes or Chaiya now southern Thailand), Tan-ma-ling (Tambralingga, southern Thailand), Ling-ya-si-kia (Langkasuka, southern Thailand), Ki-lan-tan (Kelantan), Ji-lo-t'ing (Cherating , east coast Malay Peninsula), Tong-ya-nong (Terengganu), Fo-lo-an (the estuary of the river Dungun, Terengganu area now), Tsien-mai (Semawe, east coast Malay Peninsula), Pa-t'a (River Paka, east coast Malay Peninsula), Pong-fong (Pahang), Lan-mu-li (Lamuri, Aceh area now), Kien-pi (Edinburgh), Pa-lin-fong (Palembang), Sin-to (Sunda) , and thus, the power of San-fo-TSI extending from Cambodia, the Malay Peninsula, Sumatra to Sunda. 

Salakanagara kingdom (130-362 AD) 
This kingdom is the kingdom the first in the West Java area ever recorded by history. Salakanagara, based on Wangsakerta Manuscript Library Rajyarajya i Bhumi Nusantara (composed of a committee headed by Prince Wangsakerta) are thought to be the earliest kingdoms in the archipelago).

Names of experts and historians who prove that tatar Banten has historical values are high, among others, is Hussein Djajadiningrat, Tb. H. Achmad Hasan Mu'arif Ambary, Halwany Michrob and others. Many have compiled their findings in the writings, reviews, reviews or in books. Not to mention such names as John Miksic, Takashi, Atja, Saleh Danasasmita, Yoseph Iskandar, Claude Guillot, Ayatrohaedi, Vishnu Handoko and others that add insight about the Bantam become more widespread and open with his works made both in Indonesian and English. Founder Salakanagara, Dewawarman are itinerant ambassador, traders as well as immigrants from Pallawa, Bharata (India) who eventually settled for marrying the daughter of a local prince. 

Kandis kingdom (BC) 

The kingdom is thought to have stood before the Christian era, predating the founding of the kingdom Moloyou or Dharmasraya. Two figures are often referred to as the king of this kingdom is Patih and Tumenggung.  Jambi Lubuk ancestor believed to have originated from the descendants of Raja Iskandar Zulkarnain Wali Allah. Three sons named Alexander Maharaja Alif, Maharaja Maharaja Depang and Kings split up search for new areas. Alif to Banda Ruhum Maharaja, Maharaja Depang to Bandar China and Maharaja Gold Kings Island (Sumatra). When anchored on the Island of Gold, the Maharaja of Kings and his entourage set up a kingdom called the kingdom located in Bukit Kandis Burn / Mount Bakau. This area is green and lush area surrounded by crystal clear rivers.

4 comment:

M. Nico Permana said...

waw, amazing,, i like this blog..

My Blog said...

information is very interesting, hopefully this article helpful to us all. because only now do I know if there is an unknown kingdom.

fadli said...

it's a good blog!!

The biggest plant dictionary said...

bagus sekali artikelnya, menambahkan informasi untuk anak indonesia,

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